I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Introduction to Quantum Machine Learning - Part 1
1.1 Basics of Quantum Computing
1.2 Summary
2 Evaluation Metrics: A Tale of Measuring Success
2.1 Accuracy
2.2 Precision, recall, and F1 score
2.3 Area under the Curve
2.4 Mean Reciprocal Rank:
2.5 Root Mean Squared Error
2.6 BLEU Score
2.7 ROUGE Score
2.8 Perplexity
2.9 Conclusion
3 AI Models as Black Boxes: Not for Long
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Towards Interpretable Machine Learning
3.3 A survey of existing interpretability methods
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 Black Hole Stories-4 Particle Paths in Newtons' s Theory of Gravitation
1.1 Planetary Orbits
1.2 Orbits in Classical Mechanics
1.3 The Effective Potential
1.4 Types of Orbits
1.5 Orbital Shapes
1.6 Approximations Made in the Two-Body Problem
2 Shedding Light On The Mysteries Of Supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries : Cosmic Powerhouses Unveiled
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Supergiant High Mass X-ray Binaries (sgHMXBs)
2.3 Classical Supergiant High-Mass X-ray Binaries
2.4 Obscured Supergiant High-Mass X-ray Binaries
2.5 Some Examples Of sgHMXBs
2.6 Importance Of The Study Of sgHMXBs
III Biosciences
1 The common Ectoparasite in Ornamental Fishes
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Symptoms of Infection:
1.3 Mode of Propagation:
1.4 Something Fishy in your Aquarium?
1.5 Control measures
IV General
1 LiDAR - A versatile Imaging Technology
1.1 Do it Yourself LiDAR
1.2 Conclusion