I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Generative Art
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Generative images
1.3 Generative music
1.4 Generative text
1.5 Conclusion
2 Nuts and Bolts of Machine Learning - Part 1
2.1 Breaking into the black box
2.2 Beyond curve fitting.
2.3 The Building Blocks of Machine Learning
2.4 Conclusion
3 Text to Features: The Art of Data Transformation
3.1 Bag of Words
3.2 TF - IDF
3.3 Word2vec
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 Why the Sky is not the Limit for Astronomy Research?
1.1 What is Astronomy?
1.2 Astronomy in the Ancient Era
1.3 The Age of Scientific Revolution
1.4 Astronomy in The Space Race Era
1.5 The Impact of Astronomy Research
1.6 The story behind the GPS and the Wireless Internet
1.7 Astronomy in the Age of Big Data
1.8 References
2 Variable Stars
2.1 What are variable stars?
2.2 Nomenclature
2.3 Classification
III Biosciences
1 CRISPER Cas9 - The Gene Therapy
1.1 What is the CRISPR-Cas9 System ?
1.2 The Editing Process
1.3 Applications
IV General
1 LiDAR Imaging
1.1 LiDAR system components
1.2 Measuring trees with light
1.3 Full Waveform vs Discrete LiDAR
1.4 Applications of LiDAR Imaging
1.5 Advantages and Disadvantages
V Fiction
1 Curves and Curved Trajectories