I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Nuts and Bolts of Machine Learning - Part 2
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Parameters and Hyperparameters
1.3 Conclusion
2 Language Models: Enabling Machines to Understand and Generate Human Language
2.1 What is a language model
2.2 Statistical Language Model
2.3 Neural Language Model
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 The Mass of Black Holes
1.1 A Black Hole
1.2 The Properties of a Black Hole
1.3 The Black Hole Zoo
1.4 Supermassive Black Holes
1.5 The Supermassive Object at the Centre of our Galaxy
1.6 The Orbit of Star S2
1.7 Historical Note
1.8 Is the Compact Object a Supermassive Black Hole?
2 The Little Green Men in Space
2.1 What are radio waves?
2.2 Why did radio waves have to be discovered?
2.3 What is electromagnetic radiation?
2.4 What are the mechanisms that create EM waves?
2.5 A radio universe
2.6 The story of the Little Green Men
2.7 Why do we need radio astronomy?
2.8 The challenges in radio astronomy
2.9 References
3 Pulsating Variable Stars
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Why do they pulsate?
3.3 Different types of pulsating variables
III Biosciences
1 The Avatars of Stem Cells and its applications in healthcare
1.1 What is the procedure behind stem cell therapy?
1.2 Applications of stem cells in modern research
1.3 Promises of Stem Cells In Regenerative Medicine
IV General
1 Beyond the Fluffy: The Enchanting World of Clouds
1.1 Cloud Formation
1.2 Types of Clouds
1.3 What Causes Rain?
1.4 How Clouds Affect the Earth's Climate?
V Fiction
1 Cranky the Scientist