I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Bayesian Interference in Machine Learning
1.1 Introduction to Bayesian Inference
1.2 Bayesian Inference in Machine Learning
1.3 Advantages and Limitations of Bayesian Inference in Machine Learning
2 Unpacking NLP: Understanding the Roles of NLU and NLG
2.1 How NLU and NLG fit into NLP
2.2 Natural Language Understanding
2.3 Natural Language Generation
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 Exploring the Explosive Side of the Sun
1.1 The Sun and Life on Earth
1.2 Historical Record of Solar Explosions
1.3 Do We Need to Predict These Outbursts?
1.4 How the Modern World is Becoming More Vulnerable to Solar Flares?
1.5 References
2 Cataclysmic Variable Stars
2.1 What are Cataclysmic Variable stars
2.2 Discovery
2.3 Some types of Cataclysmic Variables
III Biosciences
1 Barcode of Life: A Global Biodiversity Challenge
1.2 DNA barcoding as a new tool for food traceability
1.3 Highlights
1.4 Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats for DNA barcoding, resulting from the SWOT analysis.
IV Climate
1 Tropical Cyclones
1.1 Formation
1.2 Structure
1.3 Classification
1.4 Naming
1.5 Forecasting
V General
1 Bringing Industrial Practices to Academia
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Agile Research
1.3 Process of Agile Execution
1.4 Reward function
1.5 Conclusion
2 The Ten Years of Science
2.1 Development across sciences
2.2 Astronomy Research
2.3 Gravitational Wave Detection
2.4 Exoplanets