I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Difference Boosted Neural Network(DBNN) - Part 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Conditional Independence in Naive Bayes classifier
1.3 Imposed conditional independence in DBNN
2 Decoding methods for language models
2.1 Greedy Decoding
2.2 Beam Search
2.3 Top-K Sampling
2.4 Nucleus Sampling
2.5 Random Sampling
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 The Galaxy Revelation and a Growing Universe
1.1 What are Nebulae?
1.2 Galaxies Within Galaxies: The Island Universe Hypothesis
1.3 Edwin Hubble Settles the Dust
1.4 Galaxies that are Moving Away from Us
1.5 The Mystery Continues..
1.6 References
2 Eruptive Variable Stars
2.1 What Are Eruptive Variable Stars?
2.2 Some Examples Of Eruptive Variable Stars
III Biosciences
1 Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) - The Small Circular Genome
1.1 Primary function of mitochondrial DNA
1.2 Mitochondrial DNA in species identification and phylogenetic studies
1.3 Barcoding
1.4 Mitochondrial DNA in Forensic Analysis
1.5 Mitochondrial DNA in Conservation and Evolutionary Biology:
1.6 Abundance and High Copy Number of mtDNA within each cell:
1.7 Improved Extraction Efficiency:
1.8 Amplification Reliability:
IV Climate
1 Unveiling Earth's Atmosphere: Layers, Composition, and Lifeline
1.1 Layers of the Earth's Atmosphere
1.2 Formation of the Atmosphere
1.3 Physical Phenomenons caused by Earth's Atmosphere.
V General
1 The Ten Years of Science -Part II
1.1 Developments in Genetics Research
1.2 Neuroscience
1.3 Threats?