News in Brief
I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Building Applications with Large Language Models
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Large Language Models
1.3 Design methodology
1.4 Conclusion
2 Building Blocks of Attention Network-Part 1
2.1 Sequence to Sequence Networks
2.2 Conclusion
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 Introduction to Solar Astronomy
1.1 The Exciting Science in the Sun
1.2 Challenges of Learning about the Sun
1.3 Shedding More Light on the Sun
1.4 Features and Events on the Sun
1.5 How Best to Study the Sun?
2 Color - Magnitude Diagram, Part-2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Filters in Astronomy
2.3 Understanding Color in Astronomy
III Biosciences
1 Odonates: Sensitive Indicators of Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Pollution- Part 2
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Species Description of Odonata Species Commonly Found in Polluted Waters
2 Introduction to Aging Clocks - Part 2
2.1 The Enzyme: DNA Methyltransferases (DNMTs)
2.2 The Target: CpG Sites
2.3 The Chemical Tag: Adding the Methyl Group
2.4 Conclusion
IV Remote Sensing
1 AI for Remote Sensing