I Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
1 Self Attention Models
1.1 The Superiority of Transformer Models: Revolutionizing NLP and Rendering RNNs Obsolete
1.2 Blocks of Self Attention Models
1.3 Conclusion
2 Transforming the landscape of ML using Transformers
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The Role of Auto-Encoders
2.3 Does Chat-GPT really understand human language?
2.4 Understanding Transformers
2.5 The Attention Block
II Astronomy and Astrophysics
1 X-ray Astronomy: Through Missions
1.1 Altius, Tempus: Ages of Satellites
1.2 Satellites in 1970s
2 Exploring Stellar Clusters: Insights from Color-Magnitude Diagrams, Part-1
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Star Clusters
2.3 The Hertzsprung-Russell Diagram of Globular Clusters
2.4 Challenges in Constructing HR Diagrams for Globular Clusters
III Biosciences
1 Precision Medicine and its Role in Cancer Care
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Precision Medicine and Gene Changes
1.3 Gene Changes and Cancer
1.4 Precision Medicine in Cancer Care:
1.5 Types of Cancer where Precision Medicine is Used:
1.6 Precision Medicine and Cancer Care Prevention for High Risk Individuals
1.7 Limitations to Precision Medicine in Cancer
2 Exploring Varied Approaches for DNA Methylation Detection
2.1 DNA Methylation Microarray
2.2 WGBS
2.3 MeDIP-seq
2.4 RRBS
2.5 Conclusion
IV General
1 How to Think Like a Product Manager in Academia
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Why is the Product or Feature Required
1.3 Problem Identification and Definition
1.4 Incremental Improvements
1.5 Active Customer Engagement
1.6 Conclusion